Monday, 15 April 2019

April 6, 2019

Beth Van Wyngaarden Class 
" A Study in Color Value"

Beth Van Wyngaarden had been a speaker with the Guild in the fall. Her work was so appreciated that she was invited to come back and teach a workshop.  As you can see from the first  photo the workshop was well attended.  Some of  the participants went home with completed items ready for quilting.    

Janet Butfoy with her red tulip under construction.

Donna Saddler preparing fabric.

Carmen's tulip completed!

Saturday, 6 April 2019

March 24, 2019

Wallet Making Workshop
with Jean Drozda

Isn`t it`s amazing how much talent is in our Guild?  Often we have members teaching workshops to our own members and to people from other Guilds as well.

Recently, Jean Drozda,  taught a Wallet Making workshop.   As you can see everyone enjoyed the day  and came away with a new wallet!

Can you help identify the women in the photo?

Anne,  Danny, Jean Drozda Workshop Leader,  Chantal (sitting ) Karen, Cathy Albers, you can't hide!
And Linda Deverno, Program Committee Chair