
Kemptville Quilters Guild


Article 1 : Name

The organization shall be called “Kemptville Quilters Guild”  (The Guild)

Article 2 :  Aims

The Kemptville Quilters Guild is a not-for-profit organization whose aims are;

1)      To bring quilters together and promote fellowship among members,
2)      To encourage an understanding and appreciation of quilting techniques among the members
3)      To provide opportunities to improve skills and foster the talents of members through the sharing of skills, experience, education, and
4)      To support the community

Article 3 : Membership

Membership is open to anyone interested in quilting upon payment of the annual fees.  The membership year is September to August.  
The membership fees will be published in the monthly Newsletter. The membership fees will be reviewed annually by the Executive during the preparation of the Budget.  A motion to increase or decrease the membership fees must be presented at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) by the treasurer or any member present and pass with a two thirds majority vote by the general members at the meeting at which a quorum is present.
Current fees are prorated after April for new members.
Guests may attend one meeting at no cost and subsequent meetings for a fee of five dollars unless we have a special speaker (higher cost)  and then we may charge a higher rate.

Article 4 : Meetings

Guild meetings are held a minimum of ten times a year.  The Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held in June at which time elections will be held and a budget for the upcoming year will be presented.  Executive meetings are held as needed and may be attended by any member of The Guild.  A quorum consists of not less than twenty percent of the membership.

Article 5 : Executive

Officers of The Guild Shall be:

Programme Chair
Past President
Director at Large

The term of office shall be one year.  If an officers resigns before their term is completed the Executive has the right to appoint a replacement for the remainder of the term.

Article 6 : Nominations and Elections

The Past President shall head a nominating committee who puts forward names for election.  Officers will be elected at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) in June and take office the following September.

Article 7 : Amendments to the Constitution

Amendments to the constitution may be made by a two-thirds majority vote by the general members at a meeting at which a quorum is present, provided that the proposed changes have been made in writing to the members prior to the meeting.

Article 8 : Finances

The financial year extends from July 1 to June 30.  NEW
Cheques will be prepared by the treasurer and Signed by the President.   NEW
An annual budget shall be prepared for presentation and approval by the membership at The Guild’s AGM.
Approval  by the membership must be obtained for any expenditures exceeding one hundred dollars not accounted for in the annual budget.
An annual audit of the financial records shall be conducted by a member not on the Executive Committee.  An annual financial statement shall be published following the audit.
The Treasurer's responsibilities and duties shall be documented and adhere to without alteration unless approved by unanimous consent of the entire Executive.   NEW

Article 9 : Dissolution

The Kemptville Quilters Guild shall conduct its business without purpose of gain for its members and any financial profits shall be used solely to promote its objectives.

Dissolution of The Guild may occur if membership drops below ten members or if the Executive Committee determines that there is not enough interest among members to continue operating as a guild.  At that time a majority vote of surviving members shall be taken to establish the future direction of the organization.

In the event that the Kemptville Quilters Guild ceases to exist, all assets shall go to a charity designated by a majority of the surviving members.

Dated : September 2024  

Revised :  September 9  :  Article 8,  Finances

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