Friday, 13 November 2020

The Hamilton's Fabric Sale

Jennifer Hamilton is having a fabric sale: Nov. 16th-Dec 5th.

Several hundred bolts priced from $2.00-$8.00/yard
Appointments available weekdays 10am-7pm. Weekends 10am-4pm.
Email: to book your appointment.

Sew & Tell November 2020 - our members are busy making beautiful things!


Thursday, 12 November 2020

This is a great (free) site for quilt blocks...


Screenshot shown below
Site shows blocks -can sort by block name (alphabetized) or by block size

Sunday, 8 November 2020

Online Quilt Classes

 Shared by one of our members

A great website -AQS, Online Quilt Classes - that has a number of online courses that have already been rated by reviewers.  The courses are relatively inexpensive, about $20 US if you are a member or $25US if you are not.  There are good descriptions of each course, and you can buy the DVD instead if you want to.  There is a nice variety of courses too.  I am planning on taking the Sashiko course over the winter and likely one by Katie P-M.  I think some guild members might be interested in these courses too.



Friday, 6 November 2020

Poppy Machine Quilting Tutorial

 Lori Kennedy has on her website an excellent tutorial with plenty of pictures showing how to machine quilt a poppy.

Here is a link to her website. I have also included the images and steps below (her website allows this as long as we show attribution).  Enjoy!


Begin by stitching the edge of one of the petals–a short line. (NOTE-since this is a background fill or allover motif–we are not starting in the center.)

Add a large oval, then stitch the first full petal.

Add several more large petals around the central oval.

Complete the petals and stitch toward the center oval.

Stitch around the oval with a jagged, scribbly line.

Closely echo stitch around the petals to add more definition to the Poppy.

Add another row of close echo stitching to travel to the area where you would like to begin the next Poppy.

Do not worry if the petals of the Poppies are odd shapes–they will look like they overlap.    It is more important to keep the Poppies very close together than it is to make perfectly shaped petals.

Monday, 19 October 2020

October 19th Guest Speaker Pauline Farey

 October 19th

Our Guest Speaker will be: Pauline Farey
Another delightful episode in the: ‘What was the Judge thinking?’ series.
Please join us on October 19th when our favorite Quilt Judge, Pauline Farey, will return to talk to us about why judges withhold first prizes due to border issues.
Pauline has been quilting for over 40 years and is a certified OAAS Quilt Judge. She has promised to explain what quilt judges are looking for when they evaluate the borders on your quilts.... why border problems occur.... how to fit a border correctly.... and how to create the most
effective borders for your quilts.
We are sure that you will enjoy Pauline’s witty insights, and that you will come away with some new ideas to consider when you are designing the borders for your quilts.

Tuesday, 6 October 2020

October Meeting

A reminder that this month's meeting has been scheduled a week later than usual due to the Thanksgiving holiday. Our next  meeting will be on October 19th @ 7:00 pm on Zoom.  Please let me know if you are having trouble using Zoom and we will see if we can help you.  Send email to:

Wednesday, 9 September 2020


                September 2020    
            A new year, a new set of Challenges

For the remainder of this year, our meetings will be held using Zoom.   Each month, a link will be emailed to MEMBERS for our monthly meetings.  More details are in the members newsletter.

Please check out the latest Monthly Newsletter for details about upcoming programs and our advertisers.


Tuesday, 30 June 2020

Virtual Bed Turning for Canada Day 2020

North Grenville and Juice FM are hosting a Virtual Canada Day in North Grenville Celebration.
The Kemptville Quilters Guild has created a Virtual Bed Turning based on many of the quilts and stories shared at the September 2019 meeting.
Here is a link to the video - have a cup of tea and enjoy! Happy Canada Day!

(Please feel free to share the link provided or view it on our Facebook page)

Monday, 8 June 2020

3 More quilts for Outreach

Marjorie has been busy making quilts for the outreach program.  The sewing never ends.

Thursday, 4 June 2020

June KQG Meeting cancelled


 the Kemptville Quilters Guild meeting for June 8th IS CANCELLED due to restriction imposed by the Government of Ontario and the Lanark, Leeds and Grenville Public Health Unit.

Check out the June Newsletter regarding the Annual General Meeting and the Election of  the Executive.  If you are a member you will receive an email ballot on June 8th.  In it is the Slate of Officials for the upcoming year.  Also there will be instructions so you can participate in the Election.
Please respond to the Email by June 15th.  Shortly after that there will be an announcement about the results.

Have a great summer everyone!

Here’s some inspiration for a summer project. Thanks to Bev Cooper for ‘My Enchanted Garden’


Saturday, 4 April 2020


      The April and May meetings have been CANCELLED. 

              More information will follow regarding the JUNE meeting 

                               and the Election of a new Executive. 

Friday, 3 April 2020

UFO One Block Wonder

Marjorie Graham writes,

I’ve been working on this quilt top with a Civid -19 influence.... I had about 20 blocks left out from over from making the One Block Wonder Stack and Whack quilt we made about 3 years ago.  The blocks kept turning up when I was looking for other material.  Finally decided to get to them:).  
Will have to wait to get some batting to finish all the quilt tops too, but getting lots of sewing done.  

The front,
And the back!

Quarantine Quilts April 3, 2020

Bev Cooper  writes, 

Like many other quilters I’ve been spending a lot of time in my sewing room. This is My Enchanted Garden. My first wool appliqué project started in 2016 with Linda Prior-Hobbs. There’s nothing like jumping in at the deep end and although it has taken me 3 1/2 years to complete I’ve enjoyed every minute of it.  Wool and cotton appliqué on cotton.

Sunday, 22 March 2020

National Quilt Day continues.....

Anne Rankin sent these pictures for us to enjoy, thanks Anne.

My contribution to National Quilt Day.

 Please comment below, and if you wish to keep sending pictures, I’ll keep posting them.  Pat

National Quilters Day, keeps on ticking!

The photos keep on coming!

Danielle writes... Greetings from Russell!  I showed your email to my daughter who lives in Kemptville. She placed her quilt that I made for her for her Wedding on her veranda.

The second is a quilt I made. I just thought it was cheerful.  Thanks for this.

Saturday, 21 March 2020

National Quilters Day, March 21

Debi, thanks for your photo!

 They are really flying here!

Thanks to everyone who submitted photos,  it’s quite a show!   

National Quilting Day, March21

Nancy sent these photos in and writes....

My neighbors think I’ve lost it... then I sent them a notice that it was National Quilters Day..... great idea.

Please leave comments below!   

National Quilters Day, March 21

Nienke from Greeley shares this photo with us, thanks Nienke!

National Quilters Day, March 21

Margaret  Carlson has a couple quilts that came out today!

Thanks Mary!  Keep on Quilting!   and hope to see you soon!

More for National Quilters Day, March 21.

Marjorie Graham sent in these two pictures, Thanks Marjorie.

Lovely bright sunshine to enjoy the quilts.... 

National Quilters Day, March 21

These pictures were sent by Gayle Holmes in Kemptville.  

The first blanket was pieced 47 years ago before gender reveal parties.  The others were handed down to me, some likely made in early 1900’s.

Sweet little Sunbonnet Sue

I’d love to see theses up close.  
Thanks for send these pictures so we can all appreciate them.  
Please comment below. 

National Quilt Day! Saturday, March 21!

Michelle sends these great pictures from Russell,  thanks so much!

Sending some love to the neighborhood.......

Please comment below!

VIRTUAL Sew & Tell March 21, 11:30

Kim sent this message and photos of her clothes line full of beautiful creations!

 I  received Beth's email today and LOVED the message, I went out in the shockingly cold weather to hang some quilts and take pictures. 

Quilts across Canada...I just love the message of love at such a time when it is so needed.

Please comment below! 

VIRTUAL Sew & Tell March 21, 11:05

Susann sent these just a few moments ago,  Thanks! 

Stars galore, and I'm not talking about those in the quilts!    We are all stars!

VIRTUAL Sew & Tell March 21, 11 am!

So,  these will continue for a while!  Pictures keep coming in!

Anja Berends,  who operates the RED BARN QUILT SALE submitted this!

From our home to you ... a big hug!   enjoy your day your way and stay safe

VIRTUAL Sew & Tell March 21

WOW!!  The response has been great!  Look at this!

Kathleen Chaison

I designed and made this quilt so it could be entered in the Spencerville Fair in 2017. Canada's 150 birthday. It won the first prize, the Fancy Work Most Outstanding Homecraft and Grand Champion Quilt ribbon.  From there it went to the Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies (OAAS) and came 1st in the district competition.  The final showing was in Toronto where it was hung to be judged for best fair quilt in Ontario. Although I did not place, I felt very honoured to have had a quilt, I designed and made, go so far and get viewed by so many. It is the quilt I am proudest of whether it comes with or without the ribbons and honours.

PLEASE, comment below!  

Thursday, 19 March 2020


I'm sure I'm not the only quilter who has been getting a lot of sewing done lately!  The situation with self isolation and social distancing has really changed life for everyone.  And what better way to turn a difficult situation into a productive one than to get out that fabric a MAKE SOMETHING!!

What ever you are working on is of interest to other quilters!  Please send pictures to me  at (  finished or not, and I'll post to this VIRTUAL SEW& TELL page. 
If you hang quilts out for March 21st, National Quilting Day, send those pic too!  That’s Saturday!

Here's today's submission... OUR FIRST!

Linda deVerno  and a picture of her Covid-19 quilt.  Working on curves during the pandemic.  It sure threw a curve to the world.

More curves!  From Linda DeVerno. This was a UFO from a workshop with Cathy Price. Reverse appliqué technique.

Thanks Linda!